Sam Pottinger
Sam Pottinger is a Senior Research Data Scientist / Software Engineer at the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center for Data Science and Environment. He currently contributes to DSE projects in plastic pollution and regenerative agriculture.
Sam is interested in creating digital spaces that foster collaboration and enable thinking within complex problems. This work often involves crafting digital tools at the intersection of participatory design, artificial intelligence, information design (data visualization), software engineering, and game design. His tools and interactive models have been part of DSE publications in Science and JOSS. Sam also teaches interactive data science.
Prior to DSE, Sam worked for small organizations including LabJack (DAQ / IoT), Plenty (agriculture), and EVERY (synthetic biology) as well as larger companies such as IDEO, Google, and Apple. In addition to being named an inventor on a number of patents / patent applications, he was a contributor to the Processing project. He currently maintains the Sketchingpy and Pyafscgap open source projects. Other contributions available on his GitHub.